Cooking workshop celebrates culinary harmony between Europe and Japan

Culinary enthusiasts and professionals in Tokyo gathered at the prestigious Tokyo Culinary and Confectionery College on 12 September 2023 for a Kaijirushi Cooking Workshop. This event, organised by the European Commission in collaboration with the renowned Kaijirushi Culinary School, aimed to introduce the European Union's "Perfect Match" campaign to professional chefs and culinary teachers in Japan. The workshop proved to be a delightful blend of education, creativity, and gastronomy.
The event commenced with a thought-provoking presentation by Ms. Isabelle de Stobbeleir from the EU Delegation in Japan. Ms. Stobbeleir discussed Geographical Indications (GIs), shedding light on their importance and significance in the world of gastronomy. Her presentation captivated the audience, who showed genuine interest in the GI labels and the authenticity they represent.
Culinary creativity unleashed
The event’s star chef Ms. Masayo Waki then took centre stage to showcase the essence of the "Perfect Match" concept. She delighted the attendees with two recipes: Stewed Squid and Chorizo, and Roasted Garlic Kintoa PDO pork. Each dish perfectly embodied the harmonious fusion of European and Japanese flavours. The former combined Japanese squid with Spanish chorizo, while the latter featured Kintoa Pork from France paired with Japanese mushrooms. These culinary creations exemplified the campaign's mission to create perfect matches between European and Japanese ingredients.
Following her culinary demonstration, Ms. Waki fielded numerous questions from the enthusiastic audience. Ms. Stobbeleir also joined in the discussion, emphasising the quality and authenticity of European Union products with GI labels, further deepening the understanding of the significance of these labels among attendees.
Following this, Kaijirushi outlined the second phase of the event, set to take place later in the year, where attendees will be encouraged to showcase their culinary prowess by crafting their own "Perfect Match" dishes, incorporating at least one Geographical Indication product and a total of three ingredients sourced from different European Union Member States. The participating professionals will be invited to share their creative concoctions on their professional social media platforms, to showcase the possibilities that arise from cross-cultural culinary exchanges.